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Busy Day!

February 3rd will be a busy day at the Aplington Evangelical Presbyterian Church. There will be a regular worship service at 9:30 am. Directly following the worship service will be a Congregational meeting at 10:30 am to discuss the annual report booklet which tells what happened in 2018. At noon, following the meeting there will be a potluck held in the fellowship hall. Hope everyone will make the meeting.


The Men’s Soup Supper is scheduled for January 9th at 6:00 pm. The soups being served will be chili and oyster. The speaker is Anthony Martin from Logs4Heroes. Anthony carves figures with a chainsaw for his own PTSD relief, and sells them to benefit PTSD treatment for other veterans. Please come and bring many friends to this event to learn more about our service people in need.


A live nativity is coming to our church on Saturday, December 15th from 6-8 pm. Refreshments of hot chocolate and cookies will be served. Be sure to check the traffic on Howard Street, as there will be only one way during the presentation of the live nativity.

Candle Light Service

There will be a candle light service on Christmas Eve starting at 6:30 pm. The offering this year will be going towards God’s Mercy to Haiti.


The Men’s Soup Supper is scheduled for January 9th at 6:00 pm. The soups being served will be chili and oyster. The speaker is Anthony Martin from Logs4Heroes. Anthony carves figures with a chainsaw for his own PTSD relief, and sells them to benefit PTSD treatment for other veterans. Please come and bring many friends to this event to learn more about our service people in need.

Hanging of the Greens!

The “Hanging of the Greens” service will be the first Sunday in Avent, December 2nd. Please bring an ornament to decorate our tree. We look forward to having everyone share in the decorating of the sanctuary.


The church choir will be practicing on Wednesday, November 28th at 6:30 pm. Please come and make a "joyful noise" to praise our Lord in music.

December Events for the holiday season

APW - Circles - Bingo

The Day Circle will meet on November 14 and have Lesson 6. Bev White is the hostess, Jean Clark will be the lesson leader and Ann Harms will have devotions.

Evening Circle will meet on November 8 at 7:30 p.m.

APW will be having a Thanksgiving potluck and inviting the men. The offering will go to Operation Christmas Child. Marty Weber will have the program.

Bingo at Maple Manor will be November 16 and Group 2 is in charge.

Thanksgiving Day Meal

There will be a Free Thanksgiving Meal from 11:30-1:00 at the church on Thursday, November 22. Please RSVP to church 347-5569 by November 16.

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