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There will be no potluck the month of December. Be sure to spread the word.


Promotion Sunday will be September 11. We encourage everyone to bring neighbors and friends to kick off the new Sunday School year. A brunch will be served at the church from 8-9 a.m. There's nothing like a good hearty breakfast to get the day off to a good start!


The annual bike ride will be held September 11th at Wilder Park in Allison. We will meet at the church at 3:00pm and help people transport their bikes to the park. We will start riding around 4:00 and meet at shelter #3 for food at 5:00. Hotdogs, chips, and drinks will be provided, please bring a dish to share. 

WHO a.k.a we help others CHANGE  

WHO is changing to WHO+.  The + is an opportunity for you to join us in a somewhat limited way.  WHO meets the second Thursday of each month at 9 for one hour.   The get-to-gather is a little discussion about a topic, drink coffee, share our lives, drink coffee, fellowship, drink coffee, and discuss and projected presented.  The + part is that we would like you to join us without being part of the work projects.  We would like you to come and be part of our group.  This might be a great opportunity to have a church social activity with no responsibility.  Soooo anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. 


What were your thoughts when two women runners in the RIO Olympics 5000 meter (3.1 mile) race tripped each other and fell? How has their response to help each other after the fall of the two Olympians changed your heart? One of the runners responded “God prepared my heart to respond that way,” This will be the topic of discussion starting Sunday, September 11 as we begin to look at current events that affect our way of life. It raises the question: “Is your heart prepared to respond that way?” This and other topics will be at the core of exploration as we begin to look at current events that are influencing each of us and our children each and every day. The time we spend together will look to discover how we can prepare ourselves to respond with our children, our friends and co-workers, and all of those that are closest to us. Young or old, millennials or boomers, we all are faced with these influences every day. We need to learn from each other, just as Matthew 18:20 says “For where two or three gather in my name,
 there am I with them.” Join us to explore these and other issues. We will begin September 11 at AEPC.

Job Opportunity

Funding has been specifically donated to Timothy Christian School in Wellsburg to hire a full-time Development Director who has a passion for Christian education. Applicants should be self-motivated and have an understanding and/or experience with fundraising for nonprofit organizations. Direct questions and resumes to:

Student Connection

The Student Connection will be hosting a Fundraising/Supply Drive on August 18th at 5:30pm in the Aplington City Park to prepare for their mission trip to Chicago. Supplies that would be helpful to the people we are serving are: New men's underpants, razors and shaving supplies, and new or gently used stuffed animals. We will also be accepting cash or check donations to help cover the cost of the trip. If you are unable to attend the concert and would still like to donate, money can be sent to: Student Connection, Box 222, Aplington, IA 50604, or you can contact Adam Dohrn at 319-404-1582 to arrange pickup or delivery. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Will you pray this verse for yourself and for our church?

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; He is understanding, is unsearchable (Isaiah 40:28). (ESV)

Devotional Books

The September, October and November devotional books are on the table in the entryway. Help yourself.

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