In the event that church is cancelled because of weather related storms, the following agencies will be used to announce the cancellation. (Attempts will be made to make these announcements at least 90 minutes before the church service.)
RADIO ANNOUNCEMENTS will be on KQCR (98.9) and KLMJ (104.9)TV ANNOUCEMENTS will be on KWWL TV (channel 7) and KCRG TV (channel 9)
There will be an APW sewing day on January 9th. The noon meal will be a potluck.
The annual congregational meeting to discuss budget and election of trustee’s and session members will be held on December on December 11th at 6 p.m. Please plan to attend as your input is valuable.
We will be having another Live Nativity this year on December 18th @ 5:30-7:00pm. The choir will be singing and we will have cookies and hot chocolate inside. Be sure to come join us.
Come join in the fun to see and hear the SS kids give a wonderful program again this year. Invite your friends, parents, grandparents to join us on December 18, 2016 during our normal worship time at 9:30 a.m.
Please have your children at church the next 2 Sundays to practice for the Christmas Program. We will have our final practice on Saturday 12/17/16 @ 9 am. The Christmas Program will be during church on 12/18/16.
This week (11/27/16) is the “Hanging of the Greens”. Our worship service will be a little different than the ordinary service. There will be rolls and fellowship from 8 - 9. Please bring a Christmas ornament to hang on the tree this year. Let’s start the advent season with one accord of mind, heart and soul.
There will again be a free Thanksgiving meal at the church on Thursday, November 24th from 11:00 - 12:30. Please RSVP to the church at 319-347-5569 by November 17th.
Anyone wishing to bring a poinsettia to beautify our church please feel free to do so. The committee would definitely appreciate it. Please have them to the church by December 4th. Remember to give the office a note who you are giving this plant in honor of.
The Mission Committee is issuing a challenge to the AEPC congregation. It is as follows: “We challenge you to fill the last (approximately) 25 boxes left in the entry way to be filled for “Operation Christmas Child”. We have so much and they have so little. Please accept this challenge with a giving heart. The time is short this year so please have the boxes back and filled by 9:00 a.m. Monday, November 21st.