The AP Food Pantry is again in operation. There is a box in the church to bring your food donations and money to be distributed in November. Margaret Schuck, as a volunteer, will deliver the donations to the Pantry.
We will again be sending boxes with the youth at the Student Connection for Operation Christmas Child. Be thinking about what you can put in the boxes for this project between November 14th through the 21st. Boxes will be be placed in the entry way as soon as they are available.
On Sunday, November 6th, at 8:15 a.m., come join us to visit and ask questions of our missionaries, Danny and Danielle Schafer, of their experiences spreading God’s Word in the middle east. There will be cinnamon rolls, coffee and juice served during this fellowship time.
On Sunday, November 6th, at 8:15 a.m., come join us to visit and ask questions of our missionaries, Danny and Danielle Schafer, of their experiences spreading God’s Word in the middle east. There will be cinnamon rolls, coffee and juice served during this fellowship time.
November 3rd at 12 noon the APW will have their annual Thanksgiving potluck. There will be a program following the meal. The men are also invited to enjoy this time of thanksgiving and fellowship.
The Student Connection will be having their annual Fall Banquet on Saturday, November 5th, beginning at 6:00 pm at the Bethel Reformed Church, Aplington. This is our major fundraiser for the year where you can enjoy a great meal, great fellowship and hear about our youth ministry. We are looking for table sponsors where you sponsor a table for $250 and invite 7 other guests to come sit at your table. Contact Margaret Dix if interested in either being a sponsor or coming as a guest, we will find a place for you.
The Aplington-Parkersburg High School will present the fall musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” on Friday, November 11 at 7 pm, Saturday, November 12 at 2 pm and Sunday, November 13 at 2 pm. Cost is $5 for ages over 5. Ages 5 and under are free. A free-will meal will be served before the Friday performance starting at 5:30 pm including pulled pork, hot dogs, chips, vegetable, dessert and a drink. Ice cream sundaes and root beer floats will be served following every performance.
The Outreach committee is updating their visitation list. If anyone would like to be added or know of someone that would like to be visited please contact Robbie Kolder at 319-239-4254 or
Will meet on Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. with the leader and hostess being Marty Stahl.
There will be Day Circle Wednesday, October 12th, at 1:30 p.m. at the church. Sherry Reints will be the hostess and the leader will be Jean Clark.