How are you supposed to respond when you receive a call that your child has been in a severe accident? This is our family's journey of how God used a tragedy to drive us to our knees and seek to trust Him at His very word, even when the outcome could be devastating. It tells of the power of many people praying and just how God answered those prayers.
Isaiah's life was forever changed that day in many ways. Some may say it was a tragedy, and yet he views it as a second chance at life and living that life to the fullest each day. His new fervor to serve Jesus is fresh and contagious. Our hope is that our story will encourage you as you wade through your own trials and inspire you to read God's Word and take it to heart in your daily living. It's powerful!
Save the date on January 30, 2017, (snow date February 6th) for the Men's Soup Supper at the Aplington Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Our guest speakers are Ranae and Isaiah Krull.
Please mark your calendar for the Stated Congregational meeting on February 5th. All reports are due no later than January 10th. This is so the office can prepare the Annual Report Booklet. Please have them on a 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper or email them to the church. Email is preferred if at all possible.
Aplington Evangelical Presbyterian Church is no longer accepting online contributions effective immediately.
Please submit your end of year reports no later than January 10, 2017 to the office. Please have them on a 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper or email them to the church. Email is preferred if at all possible.
There is a desperate need of nursery volunteers. If you are able to help please seriously think about doing this small ministry to help the church. There is no nursery during the summer.
We are looking for volunteers to be mentors for our Confirmation class! This would involve getting together with one of the students once a week to get to know each other and share about the Lord. If interested, contact Margaret Dix or Pastor Michael. We have a large group this year, so please prayerfully consider this opportunity.
"A big THANK YOU” to all who were able to attend the Student Connection's Fall Banquet. We praise the Lord for a great evening of food and fellowship, followed by a program of former students sharing about their recent mission trips. We received over $12,000 in donations! What a blessing! This will help our ministry to continue to make a difference in our local young people. If you want to donate to the Student Connection, mail your contribution to Student Connection, P.O. Box 222, Aplington, IA 50604 or contact Margaret Dix."
God’s Mercy to Haiti mission trip is from Jan 19-25. Those going from Aplington are: Pastor Michael McLane, Pastor Jeff Maskevich, Rhiannon McLane, LaVonne Lawton & Marty Stahl. Week 1: Please pray for the over-the-counter pharmacy needs for the Haitian village being served by God’s Mercy to Haiti. The mission team will be transporting those pharmacy needs provided from local donations. A donation box has been set up by the church office. Pharmacy needs include shampoo, pain medication, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, tooth paste, tooth brushes, bandaids, etc. etc. etc. Only over the counter items please.
Due to the cancelation of services on the 18th of December, the Sunday School program has been rescheduled to January 22nd during the service. Please come and enjoy the message the children have prepared for you.
Please come and join us in celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ candle light service on Christmas Eve, December 24th at 6:30 p.m . There will be communion served.
There will also be a regular church service on Christmas Day at 9:30 a.m.