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What were your thoughts when two women runners in the RIO Olympics 5000 meter (3.1 mile) race tripped each other and fell? How has their response to help each other after the fall of the two Olympians changed your heart? One of the runners responded “God prepared my heart to respond that way,” This will be the topic of discussion starting Sunday, September 11 as we begin to look at current events that affect our way of life. It raises the question: “Is your heart prepared to respond that way?” This and other topics will be at the core of exploration as we begin to look at current events that are influencing each of us and our children each and every day. The time we spend together will look to discover how we can prepare ourselves to respond with our children, our friends and co-workers, and all of those that are closest to us. Young or old, millennials or boomers, we all are faced with these influences every day. We need to learn from each other, just as Matthew 18:20 says “For where two or three gather in my name,
 there am I with them.” Join us to explore these and other issues. We will begin September 11 at AEPC.