A-P Church Project-Back to School Supplies
The area churches are participating in collecting extra school supplies for those students in need. Our church will be focusing on collecting extra supplies from the 5th grade list. Below is the school's list for what each 5th grader is to bring to school. Anyone wanting to purchase any of the items from the list, may do so. There will be a tote designated for "Back to School Supplies" located in the church entryway until August 19th. After Sunday, August 19th we will be delivering the collected supplies and taking them up to the A-P Middle School. For the AEPC collection, please contact Julie Jungling (319)240-6797 or Gigi Theobald (319)939-5604 if any questions.
Thank you!
Aplington-Parkersburg 2018-2019 school year
5th Grade Supplies
1 one inch 3-ring binder
3 wide ruled spiral notebooks
1 composition notebook
7 two-pocket plastic folders with brads
2 packages of Markers
Colored pencils and sharpener
Glue sticks
4 neon color highlighters
Red, black, and blue pens....ongoing
2 package wide lined loose-leaf paper
Paint shirt
P.E. shoes
2 boxes Kleenex (girls)
2 containers Lysol wipes (boys)
Black sharpie
Dry erase markers
Ziploc bags (gallon size and quart size)
Standard size sticky notes
* Could also use larger backpack for those students needing one